Spinal mobility flow for back pain
Fast relief for back pain
Spinal mobility flow for back pain

3 minute movement snack! Take a quick low intensity, low impact desk break
To prevent your health from deteriorating, research has revealed that for every 30-60 minutes of sitting, you must move for 3 minutes! Here is a quick 3 minute movement break you can easily do at your desk, in your office or anywhere in the home. This low impact routine is safe for dodgy knees and pelvic floors! Modify the depth of your squats and lunges as needed.
3 minute movement snack! Take a quick low intensity, low impact desk break

360 lower rib breathing technique. Stop belly breathing, use your diaphragm instead!
Our body has a primary muscle for respiration, the diaphragm, not the belly! Learn how to breathe into the diaphragm using a theraband or pair of tights!
360 lower rib breathing technique. Stop belly breathing, use your diaphragm instead!

Morning pain or stiffness? 7 bed stretches to do before getting up
Do you wake up feeling stiff and sore? If so, here are some gentle stretches to do in bed before getting up. Great if you have low back or joint pain.
Morning pain or stiffness? 7 bed stretches to do before getting up
Floor sitting ideas
The floor is possibly the best piece of exercise equipment you’re not using.
Floor sitting ideas

Pelvic Floor Health exercise routine
A full body routine designed to help with alignment, connection with your pelvic floor, breath awareness, linking the pelvic floor with the breath, and both pelvic floor strengthening and releasing exercises.
Pelvic Floor Health exercise routine

TRX Killer core circuit
If this doesn’t leave you with a little fire in your belly, I’ll eat my mat.
TRX Killer core circuit

Why do my shoulders feel so tight? Explanation and a solution!
Exercise to help lengthen and strengthen your shoulders
Why do my shoulders feel so tight? Explanation and a solution!

Exercises to jump and impact leak-free
This is a great video to watch as we start spending more time outside - walking, running and maybe even trampolining!
Exercises to jump and impact leak-free

Top 3 exercises for runners and walkers
Here are 3 exercise for all runners and walkers to help build strong hips and knees
Top 3 exercises for runners and walkers

Barriers To Exercise
What stops us from committing to exercise. How setting goals can really help our motivation.
Barriers To Exercise

Massage Ball release for low back pain
Low back or pelvic pain? Surprisingly headaches can even benefit from releasing the low back due to the posterior myofascial chain connecting you top to toe!
Massage Ball release for low back pain

Self-release for sinus congestion and blocked ears
If you are suffering with allergies 💧, sinus congestion 👃 and blocked ears 👂, here are some great self-drainage techniques.
Self-release for sinus congestion and blocked ears

Core Advent Series: 24 classic and alternative moves to build 360 core strength and stability
Gathered here for the first time - Emma’s series of 24 movements to strengthen the core
Core Advent Series: 24 classic and alternative moves to build 360 core strength and stability

Support your immune system - lymphatic drainage exercise
It is crucial that we have excellent circulation and drainage throughout the body, in our arteries, veins, lymphatics and around and within our organs for our immune system to work at its optimal best.
Support your immune system - lymphatic drainage exercise

Benefits of Floor sitting
As the days start to shorten and we begin to spend more time indoors curled up on the sofa with family, friends, or with a book, phone or TV to entertain us, it is still possible to strengthen and mobilise our bodies.
Swapping the sofa or chair for the floor is a simple solution for adding more movement to your day.
Benefits of Floor sitting

Self help for calf cramps, plantar fasciitis and tight ankles
Getting calf cramps, plantar fasciitis or stiff ankles? Here's a short set of exercises to do daily, and especially before bed. Stretching the calves, mobilising the ankles, and myofascial release of the plantar fascia can help with running, squatting, jumping, balancing and help stop cramps at night. Hold each stretch for 10 seconds and repeat 5 times. Use the back of a chair if you need help with balance.
Self help for calf cramps, plantar fasciitis and tight ankles

Stress incontinence? Changing the way you breath can help.
If when you inhale you suck in your tummy and raise your shoulders, you are increasing the downward pressure in your pelvis (your guts have got to go somewhere right!?) which pushes down on the pelvic floor. Also, you will be carrying a lot of tension in your neck and shoulders.
If you are breathing with your belly hanging out, your transverse abdominal muscles are not engaged and this also sends pressure downwards. So learn to breath with your lower ribs, feeling a 360 degree expansion round your lower ribs as you inhale, keep your belly still and your shoulders down.
Try using a theraband round your lower ribs to help you direct the expansion in your chest to the right area.
Stress incontinence? Changing the way you breath can help.

Stress incontinence? Sneeze Pee? Changing how you sit can help.
Top tip: stop sitting on your tail bone! If you sit with your pelvis tucked under you, you are sitting on your tail bone, effectively pushing it forwards. Your pelvic floor runs from tail bone to pubis (front of the pelvis), so the further in your tail bone goes, the weaker and tighter (not in a good way right!) your pelvic floor becomes. Think strong trampoline to weak hammock effect. The more hammock like your pelvic floor becomes, the more pressure it is under, hence leakage on strain or impact. SO, get off your tail bone, rock your pelvis forwards, stick your butt out and sit up on your sit bones or BEST OF ALL, SIT LESS, MUCH LESS! No amount of Kegel's are going to help your pelvic floor until you address (amongst other things!) the position of your pelvis. Message me if your pelvic floor needs a little TLC.
Stress incontinence? Sneeze Pee? Changing how you sit can help.

Single leg RDL with barbell on Bosu ball for Posterior Muscle Chain activation
Love this exercise to really stretch and strengthen the posterior muscle chains of the body, especially the hamstrings and glutes, and challenge the core. Great to help untuck the pelvis after all that sitting.
Try it at home standing on the floor and use a broomstick, keep your knee softened in the leg you are standing on. To up the challenge, stand on a pillow.
Single leg RDL with barbell on Bosu ball for Posterior Muscle Chain activation

Treadmill v Walking Or Running Outside
Which is better for you, walking or running on a treadmill or going outside? Here are my thoughts on the pros and cons of each, discussing the risks of treadmill exercise and the treadmill desk. Have a listen to find out why. Excuse the breathy chat, snotty nose and wild hair - i am having a great walk in the cold and wind!
Treadmill v Walking Or Running Outside

Emma Wightman introduces herself and answers the top 5 questions asked to an Osteopath
Emma Wightman introduces herself and answers the top 5 questions asked to an Osteopath: What is Osteopathy? What and who do you treat? Will you click my back? How often will I need to come? Is it safe?
Emma Wightman introduces herself and answers the top 5 questions asked to an Osteopath

Tired, stiff? Gentle floor based exercise for chronic pain.
I've just done this lovely lazy floor-based stretching routine to bring a little more oxygen to my tired muscles and brain.
You can do this little and often, or repeat the reps as many times as you like. Repeat both sides and exhale as you move.
Super safe, low impact and great if you're tired or have chronic low back pain.
Tired, stiff? Gentle floor based exercise for chronic pain.

Joe Batey - Stockbridge Osteopathic Practice
Our Sports Osteo, @joebatey, demonstrates the Spider-man exercise to help with shoulder stability issues. Its a great warm up for the rotator cuff muscles before a workout too.
Joe Batey - Stockbridge Osteopathic Practice

How to stretch the Lats. Great for tight shoulders and mid back
If your shoulders are feeling a bit hunched or rounded and you're getting some pain in the shoulders or betweeen the shoulder blades, this is a great stretch for you.
How to stretch the Lats. Great for tight shoulders and mid back

A small adjustment can make a big difference to your tennis elbow
Here's a short video explaining how by adjusting your shoulders can help your tennis elbow / lateral epicondylitis
A small adjustment can make a big difference to your tennis elbow

Simple shoulder openers using just a wall and a belt
Hunched, tight rounded shoulders? This is a lovely short series of stretches to get you out of the slumped desk bound position.
Simple shoulder openers using just a wall and a belt

Sciatic nerve leg pain?
This is a great exercise to free the nerve from whatever is compressing it, like a bulging disc or piriformis syndrome.
By lifting your head and leg at the same time and then lowering head and leg you are creating a tension through the length of the nerve and then gliding it up and down.
I forgot to mention in the video to flex the foot as you lift the leg, this increases the tension in the nerve. Repeat 10-15 times everyday.
If you feel more than mild discomfort or tingling as you do this exercise, the compression on the nerve is too much, and this isn't the exercise for you just yet.
Sciatic nerve leg pain?

Chronic Low Back Pain? Safe and effective exercises to both stretch and strengthen the low back
If you're getting long-term, chronic low back pain, perhaps from a disc bulge, over-strain or degenerative changes, try these exercises. They are designed to both stretch and strengthen the low back, encouraging better mobility and stability.
With the first 5 strengthening exercises, try 3 sets of 6 repetitions. As you feel stronger and more confident with the moves, increase the reps up to 10. With the remaining stretching exercises, hold each stretch for a slow count of 10, and repeat 4 times on each side.
I have included some progressions for some of the exercises for you to try in accordance with your pain levels. If anything causes more than moderate discomfort, don't continue with that exercise, and try the next one.
If you are suffering with sciatica you can add in the Sciatic nerve flossing exercise in my previous video.
Most of these exercises are able to be moderated, so let me know if you need something more challenging or if they are too strong for you at the moment.
This routine should take you about 20-25 minutes. Make sure each exercise is done in a very slow and controlled way. The slower you go, the more precise and effective you will be, and the more benefit you will get :-)
As well as walking or swimming for 30 minutes per day, be sure to do these exercises daily too. Whatever you do, movement is better than rest, so keep moving through a variety of positions and movements!
Chronic Low Back Pain? Safe and effective exercises to both stretch and strengthen the low back

Preparation exercise for squats: stretches for 3 keys areas
Squatting is not easy if you haven't done it since you were a toddler, and three areas can tighten up and prevent a deep, comfortable squat. This 5 minute routine mobilises these key areas, the ankle, the hips and the low back. Run through this prep to squat routine, holding each stretch for 30 seconds and repeating 2 to 3 times on each side to really improve your squat-ability.
Preparation exercise for squats: stretches for 3 keys areas

3 simple ways to modify a squat if you're getting hip, knee or ankle pain
If you've tried all the exercises to prepare your body to squat from my last video, and you are still getting tight or painful hips, knees or ankles, here are some simple ways of adapting the squat with just a towel and door.
3 simple ways to modify a squat if you're getting hip, knee or ankle pain

3 ways to floor sit
Try reducing chair sitting and try some floor sitting. Here are 3 positions you can try out. Keep cycling between them to stay comfy and introduce some movement to your sitting. Great for the hamstrings and hip flexors that get short and weak with too much chair time.
3 ways to floor sit

Ankle, Foot And Calf Stretching And Mobilisations
A short set of exercises to help with stiff ankles, tight calves and plantar fasciitis. Stretching the feet and calves, mobilising the ankle and using a massage ball to roll out the calf and plantar fascia.
Ankle, Foot And Calf Stretching And Mobilisations

Part 1 of 2 Driving series: Car seat set up and driving position
Watch this quick clip and check your driving position to make sure you avoid back, neck and shoulder ache.
Part 1 of 2 Driving series: Car seat set up and driving position

Part 2 of 2 Driving series: Car exercises to relieve neck and shoulder tension
Do these stretching and mobilising exercises regularly in the car to relieve tension and stimulate blood flow.
Part 2 of 2 Driving series: Car exercises to relieve neck and shoulder tension

W to Y with lunge and resistance band and weights
This is one of my favourite exercises as it ticks a lot of boxes all in one!.It's great for working the whole rotator cuff and upper back for shoulder strength and stability, and by adding in the lunge, you connect up through the muscle chains bringing in core, glutes and thigh muscles.
Remember to have your arms slightly out in front of you, so your hands are always in sight and always start with the arms turned in, in internal rotation.
Keep your head up as you lunge forward and as you raise your arms, don't arch the spine backwards.
This is great for rotator cuff rehab, postural correction for rounded shoulders and for general strength and stability.
Vary your weights and resistance band to suit your strength and fitness.
Try 3 sets of 6 to 10 repetitions.
W to Y with lunge and resistance band and weights

Shoulder exercise for postural correction and rotator cuff rehab
A great routine for building strength and stability in the rotator cuff, as well as correcting rounded shoulder posture.
Shoulder rolls
Bicep curls
W to Y
W to Y with lunge
Shoulder press with step and spine rotation
Repeat each exercise 10 times and repeat the routine 3 times.
Shoulder exercise for postural correction and rotator cuff rehab

Take a movement break and stretch with me
Repeat the routine 4 times and alternate sides. Relax, stretch, breath. Enjoy!
Take a movement break and stretch with me

The Bretzel total body stretch
Looking for a total body stretch all in one!? Try the Bretzel, it's strong.
Feel it in your glutes, quads, psoas, sacroiliacs and thoracic spine.
Exhale as you roll backwards and inhale to roll forwards to get the ribs stretching too.
The Bretzel total body stretch

Self-release for sinus congestion and blocked ears
If you're suffering with allergies, sinus congestion and blocked ears, here are some great self-drainage techniques.
Repeat every exercise 6 times, but AVOID the ear pumps if there is any chance of an ear infection.
Add in some deep breathing and neck stretching to improve the drainage into the chest.
This is also safe and effective to do on young children.
Self-release for sinus congestion and blocked ears

Shoulder mobility exercises
I really love these shoulder opening exercises.
By connecting upper body movement with lower body movement this becomes a far more relevant exercise to our daily lives, as we rarely use any part of the body in isolation.
It works the body in all its axis of movement, side to side (frontal), front to back (sagittal) and rotational (transverse)..And it connects up through the myofascial slings of the body.
These stretches are dynamic, functional and great for your balance too.
Do them daily! Try 3 sets of 6-8 repetitions of each movement.
Shoulder mobility exercises

Self-taping for ankle sprain
If you have sprained your ankle or need to give it some extra support, here is a great taping technique, using the figure of 8 method.
Dont forget to hold the foot up and turned out while you are taping, and apply about a 75% stretch to the tape. Always ensure there is no stretch at the anchor points, ie. dont apply any stretch at the begining and end of the tape.
You can leave the tape on 4-5 days, but if its uncomfortable or getting itchy, carefully remove it.
Self-taping for ankle sprain

Female Genital Mutilation, an Osteopathic Approach
Talk given to the Osteopath volunteers prior to thier humanitarian trip in Kenya Nov 2017, on 'what is FGM' and how can we help as Osteopaths.
Female Genital Mutilation, an Osteopathic Approach

Spinal mobility routine
Safe and effective routine, taking the spine through all its ranges of movement, to stretch and mobilise the back. Ideal for stiffness, chronic pain and in pregnancy.
Spinal mobility routine

Airplane stretches
A great mobilising routine for when youre confined to a tight spot on an airplane.
Airplane stretches

Exercise for clicky or pinching hip
Hip impingement exercise using a band to distract and open the joint.
Exercise for clicky or pinching hip

10mins Kitchen Workout
10mins Kitchen Workout

Support your immune system with this lymphatic drainage exercise routine
Support your immune system with this lymphatic drainage exercise routine

Core Advent Series: 24 classic and alternative moves to build 360 core strength and stability
This is the Core Advent Series that went out in daily in December 2020, now clipped together and all in one place. I cover every aspect of building a strong resilient core, from whole body alignment, classic abdominal, glute and spinal strengthening exercises, to movements you can easily incorporate into your daily life. You will be surprised at how easy it can be to exercise your core without long workouts, special kit, setting time aside or even putting your trainers on!
Core Advent Series: 24 classic and alternative moves to build 360 core strength and stability
Foot and Ankle stretching and mobility
Foot and Ankle stretching and mobility

Foot and Ankle stretching and mobility
Foot and Ankle stretching and mobility